April 24

Is My Construction Project Eligible for C-PACE Financing? – Episode 163


To be eligible for C-PACE financing, a project must be located in a county or municipality that has approved C-PACE programs within a state that has passed PACE-enabling legislation.

What is C-PACE? Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) is an alternative financing mechanism for property upgrades that improve energy efficiency, utilize renewable energy, conserve water, and more. C-PACE makes it possible for owners of commercial, industrial, multifamily, and nonprofit properties to obtain low-cost, long-term, fixed-rate financing funded by private capital providers. Currently, 30+ states have enacted C-PACE legislation, enabling more than $1 billion in private financing of 2,000+ projects.


C-Pace, construction loan, investor loans, real estate, real estate investing

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